Top Ten Reasons why Barack Obama May Be the Worst President Ever.
10. He ran a fraudulent campaign running as a moderate while he is actually a hard left ideologue.
9. He holds too many press conferences speaking vague generalities.
8. He received the Nobel Prize before accomplishing anything.
7. Too many “Czars” without the advice and consent of the governed or their representatives in congress.
6. He has a hidden agenda, which he never explained to the American People all the while promising transparency.
5. Rather then using transparency (which he promised) and persuasion to obtain support from the American People he attacks and demonizes his critics.
4. While he speaks about the virtue of working hard and playing by the rules he appoints people who are tax cheats.
3. His appointments to Federal Courts and the US Supreme Court may work to undermine our rights protected by our constitution.
2. He continues the policies of George W. Bush, i.e., giving the Fed more power and increasing Federal spending while continuing to blame President Bush. Will he ever accept responsibility for his actions?
1. He fiddled while Washington burned- the Democrat leadership in Congress continues to ramrod laws to destroy individual rights while he holds another press conference rather then taking any responsibility or making his administration transparent.